Posts Tagged: Canada

Pancakes con sciroppo d’acero /Pancakes with maple syrup… Oh Canada…

Ricetta facile e veloce per chi ama i pancakes! Canada… prima o poi io e te ci rivediamo! INGREDIENTI 2 uova 130 gr farina 45 gr zucchero una bustina di lievito per dolci 25 gr burro 200 ml latte sciroppo

Pancakes con sciroppo d’acero /Pancakes with maple syrup… Oh Canada…

Ricetta facile e veloce per chi ama i pancakes! Canada… prima o poi io e te ci rivediamo! INGREDIENTI 2 uova 130 gr farina 45 gr zucchero una bustina di lievito per dolci 25 gr burro 200 ml latte sciroppo


Queste sono olive pugliesi. Olive gigantesche. Ogni giorno la Puglia mi regala qualcosa di speciale. Ogni giorno è un profumo. Un colore. Un sapore. E allora ecco l’aperitivo con olive e crodino. Uno dei momenti che più mi mancava quando


Queste sono olive pugliesi. Olive gigantesche. Ogni giorno la Puglia mi regala qualcosa di speciale. Ogni giorno è un profumo. Un colore. Un sapore. E allora ecco l’aperitivo con olive e crodino. Uno dei momenti che più mi mancava quando

Bye bye Canada

Please be advised: this is a very personal post. If you don’t want to read it, see the recipe of gnocco fritto… 😉 After 6 years it’s time for me to start a new life. During all this time I’ve

Bye bye Canada

Please be advised: this is a very personal post. If you don’t want to read it, see the recipe of gnocco fritto… 😉 After 6 years it’s time for me to start a new life. During all this time I’ve

Sweet ribs dreams my friends…!

I’ve never had so many ribs like in these years in Canada. When I lived in Italy, I had no idea about how Americans and Canadians are obsessed (in a positive way) with ribs and BBQ sauce. Well, now I

Sweet ribs dreams my friends…!

I’ve never had so many ribs like in these years in Canada. When I lived in Italy, I had no idea about how Americans and Canadians are obsessed (in a positive way) with ribs and BBQ sauce. Well, now I

Take a look at Obama cookies… Thank goodness we don’t have Berlusconi croissant!!

If you go to Ottawa, you have to stop at Moulin de Provence. That’s the name of this fantastic bakery that has become popular in February 2009 when Us president Barack Obama made a quick stop and bought some maple

Take a look at Obama cookies… Thank goodness we don’t have Berlusconi croissant!!

If you go to Ottawa, you have to stop at Moulin de Provence. That’s the name of this fantastic bakery that has become popular in February 2009 when Us president Barack Obama made a quick stop and bought some maple

God bless Mr. Ferrero

As many of you know by now I’m in love with pasta but there is another obsession in my life. Its name is Nutella. Last weekend I felt the irresistible need to drown in that small evil jar and… yes…

God bless Mr. Ferrero

As many of you know by now I’m in love with pasta but there is another obsession in my life. Its name is Nutella. Last weekend I felt the irresistible need to drown in that small evil jar and… yes…

Get fit… in the snow!

This post is strictly related to the previous one. But I would add “in the snow” to the title. Toronto forecasts originally predicted between 20 and 30 cm of snow Tuesday night through to Wednesday afternoon but when I awoke

Get fit… in the snow!

This post is strictly related to the previous one. But I would add “in the snow” to the title. Toronto forecasts originally predicted between 20 and 30 cm of snow Tuesday night through to Wednesday afternoon but when I awoke